Why Drain Cleaning is a Two Man Job in Memphis

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As anyone who has tried can failed can attest, cabling a sewer is a job for two people. Drain cleaning can be a tricky, involved process that goes much more smoothly and safely if a second set of hands is there to assist.


  • Cabling in close quarters such as crawl spaces requires two men to move the equipment around without damaging it or your surroundings. The second man can also help with the feeding and retracting cables while the first technician works the actual cabling machine.
  • A two man drain cleaning team also helps for the protection of our client’s property. Unlike some companies out there, the preservation of your property as we found it is our number one priority. If we have to pull a toilet to cable your sewer line, the second tech can prevent the cable from damaging the interior finishes and furnishes of your home.
  • Extra hands on deck also helps with locating hard-to-find underground drain lines. If one tech is having trouble locating the line, the second can help by moving a camera inside the home so the second can focus on using a locating wand outside to find that hidden sewer line.


Drain cleaning is an all-hands on deck type project and it is best not left to amateurs. If you have problem drains in your home, do not hesitate to call the experts at Stewart Plumbing today!

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