Slab Leak Repair in Cordova, TN

Our team recently went out and performed a slab leak repair in Cordova, TN by repiping and replacing some of the plumbing. Read more here.

Slab Leak Symptoms in Cordova Homes

Located in Cordova, TN, a homeowner urgently called Stewart Plumbing Inc. upon noticing a worrying leak in his front yard. This was not just a minor drip; the leak was substantial, raising concerns about water waste and damage to the property. The issue turned out to be a slab leak in the shop addition to the house. Recognizing the severity, Stewart Plumbing Inc. headed out to assess the situation and find the best solution for the property owner. Read on to see how our expert plumbing team performed this slab leak repair in Cordova, TN.

Understanding Slab Leaks

A slab leak occurs when a water pipe under the concrete foundation (or slab) of a home leaks. This type of leak can be particularly troublesome due to its concealed location. In homes like the one in Cordova, slab leaks can lead to significant water loss, and structural damage, and can be challenging to detect and repair. These leaks often require specialized equipment and expertise, as accessing pipes under a slab involves working through concrete and foundational materials. At Stewart Plumbing Inc., we’re equipped to address emergency plumbing situations with expert plumbing services.

Our team recently went out and performed a slab leak repair in Cordova, TN by repiping and replacing some of the plumbing. Read more here.Assessing the Leak

Upon arrival, Stewart Plumbing Inc. technicians reassessed the situation, identifying it as a slab leak repair job. Using leak detection technology, they pinpointed not just one, but multiple leaks. The investigation extended to the closet of the shop where water was found blowing from the shower area under the slab. After a thorough evaluation, the homeowner opted for a complete repipe of the affected area instead of demolishing the shower structure.

Inspection and Diagnosis Process

Stewart Plumbing Inc.’s technicians employed advanced leak detection methods to accurately locate the leaks. The process involved a meticulous inspection of the plumbing system, particularly focusing on the area under the slab. The diagnosis revealed multiple leaks, including a significant one near the shower area, prompting a change in the repair strategy.

Our team recently went out and performed a slab leak repair in Cordova, TN by repiping and replacing some of the plumbing. Read more here.Resolution: Complete Repiping and Repair

The resolution involved an extensive repiping process. The team removed all old plumbing and pipes, replacing them with new, durable materials. This comprehensive approach not only fixed the existing leaks but also upgraded the plumbing system to prevent future issues. Additionally, two new toilets were installed as part of this job. The project concluded with a thorough inspection to ensure there were no leaks, followed by insulation and strapping of the new pipes. A final touch included pouring patch concrete and installing nail plates. The repair was followed by an inspection by code enforcement to ensure everything was up to standard.

Benefits of Slab Leak Repair by Stewart Plumbing Inc.

Stewart Plumbing Inc. differentiates itself with its thorough approach, combining expert leak detection, comprehensive repair solutions, and a commitment to customer satisfaction. Advantages of professional slab leak repair in Cordova, TN, and the surrounding areas include: 

  • Accuracy in Leak Detection: Advanced tools and expertise ensure precise identification of leaks.
  • Comprehensive Solutions: Not just fixing leaks but upgrading the entire plumbing system.
  • Minimized Structural Impact: Techniques that reduce the need for extensive demolition.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring all repairs meet local building codes.
  • Long-Term Peace of Mind: Quality repairs reduce the risk of future plumbing issues.

Our team recently went out and performed a slab leak repair in Cordova, TN by repiping and replacing some of the plumbing. Read more here.Slab Leak Repair in Cordova, TN by Stewart Plumbing Inc.

Concluding this extensive job in Cordova, TN, Stewart Plumbing Inc. not only fixed the immediate problem of the slab leak but also enhanced the overall plumbing system’s integrity. The proactive decision to repipe offered a long-term solution, ensuring the homeowner won’t face similar issues in the near future. This case exemplifies Stewart Plumbing Inc.’s commitment to providing durable, efficient, and comprehensive slab leak repair services in Cordova, TN. If you have concerning leaks in your yard or home, contact us today for expert slab leak repair in Cordova, TN. 

Our client left us this nice review after all repairs were completed, “They did a great job. They got the work done as quickly as they said they would. I would definitely recommend them.” Check out the rest of our Google Reviews!

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